Brokeback Ain’t Broken

The perfect gait of a Miss Universe

Drag queendom on Carnival Tuesday. The very idea of men wearing dresses is not often acknowledged far less discussed. I need not explain the fear involved in male sexuality, particularly when it falls out of the purview of the familiarly heterosexual. Women in pants is so old hat, no one looks at all. Was there ever a fuss? That revolution is past. It is alright to enjoy Ru Paul a few years ago. He does not live on the island. It is quite different to view Johnny or Terrance or Vishnu in all their flamboyance. It is just too close and in your face.

Working the catwalk on the streets of Port of Spain, Trinidad

But this year, 2006, two beauties with the perfect gait of Miss Universe contestants caught the eye of thebookmann. These six foot tall girls were gorgeous. They were noticed because they were so well groomed, better groomed than most women…sorry. I had not thought of the role men can and do play in carnival in their real attempt to fit into the livesthey have made for themselves, and I was quite heartened to see these two girls walking proudly along, dressed as they wanted to be, unmolested and magnificent. It is easier for women, they appear harmless as they hug and fondle their girlfriends. But ‘hard back’men…well, it isn’t descent!Yet there are a few who say to hell with it and express themselves because they know of no other way to be, and to you girls, I salute you. – Adele

Influences from the film Brokeback Mountain – A costume as chaps